Spiritwood hockey reunion game November 13 2005!



It could only have been God making me play so incredibly well to reveal his power and might for his own glory, but resulting in some minor glory for me!

I made one save in this game that I know was more incredible than any other save I ever made playing hockey. I knew if I ever made a conscious thought of the move I needed to make to make a save I would be too late. This save I thought completely of the move I needed to make. I am still astounded I was actually physically able to make the move I thought of and did make. The reflex style of goaltending I played all my life could only have been God doing it all for me, but God did not want me to have my self sought glory playing goal in hockey! I accept that God is doing everything now in my life for his glory, power and might to be revealed to humankind for humankind's benefit not my own.  bowling .pdf

All thanksgiving, Praise and Worship be to God Now and Forevermore, Amen!

